VCQ Summer School 2025 Speakers

VCQ Summer School 2025: Speakers

2025 Confirmed speakers

Prof. Jean Dalibard (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Collège de France, Paris)

Coherence and Superfluidity in Cold Atoms

Benjamin Elder (Imperial College London)

Beyond the Standard Model

Georgi (Gia) Dvali (LMU Munich)

What is quantum gravity and how to test it?

General Relativity and quantum information

Nick Huggett (University of Illinois, Chicaco)

“What can we learn from table top quantum gravity experiments?”

Eduardo Martin Martinez (University of Waterloo)

Concepts of General Relativity

Tracy Northup (University of Innsbruck)

Experimental Quantum Information

Christopher Overstreet (John Hopkins University)

Testing Gravity with Atoms

Anna Sanpera (ICREA & Universitat Autònoma Barcelona)

Concepts of Quantum Information

Hendrik Ulbricht (University of Southampton)

Large-mass quantum systems