VCQ FAQ & Resources

FAQ & Resources

What are the formal requirements for the VCQ PhD program?
Applicants who are accepted in VCQ will enroll as regular PhD students at the host institution of their supervisor and all the formal requirements of that institution apply. See links below for more information. Students at IQOQI Vienna will be associated with the University of Vienna.
How long does the PhD program last?
It’s a 3-year program but can be extended to 4 or more years, depending on the progress of your project and if agreed with your PI.
How long after the application deadline does the PhD position start?
It can take from 3-6 months depending on VISA applications, bureaucracy around. There is no strict deadline and the exact starting date can be arranged with your supervisor.
Is there a salary?
Yes, VCQ PhD-students are employed at the institution of the research group. The monthly gross salary is usually based on the FWF standard salaries for PhD students, which currently corresponds to about €2200 per month.
When is the next open call?
We usually have 2 open calls for the PhD positions. One in the beginning of the year with a deadline around January, and another call around September.
I will finish my Masters Degree after the application deadline. Can I still apply?
If you expect to finish your Masters degree soon after the application deadline you can still apply, as long as your degree is finished by the time of employment. Otherwise we suggest to wait for the next open call.
PhD Program Handbook
The handbook of VCQ-PhD School will be available here soon!
PhD Program Flyer
The flyer of the VCQ PhD School will be available here soon!
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