VCQ Erwin Schrödinger Distinguished Lecture Series

Erwin Schrödinger Distinguished Lecture Series

An annual high-visibility public lecture given by the most prominent quantum scientist, such as Nobel and Wolf prize laureates.


Previous Distinguished Speakers

Gilles Brassard

Could Einstein Have Been Right After All?

Steven Chu

Energie - Bildung - Universität - globale Verantwortung

Serge Haroche

Controlling Photons in a Box and Exploring the Quantum-Classical Boundary

Ignacio Cirac

Quantum Physics: A Source of Mysteries and Applications

16 November 2022 at Lise Metiner Lecture Hall
13 November 2014 at Festsaal der TU Wien
22 April 2013 at the Kuppelsaal of the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)
27 March 2012 Festsaal der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Copyright: © The Royal Society

Copyright: © CNRS Phototheque/ Christophe Lebedinsky

Copyright: © Andreas Heddergott / TU Muenchen