Bethe-Peierls approximation in the era of quantum computers Tensor networks have been foundational tools in our understanding of many-body physics ofone-dimensional systems. In this talk I will discuss efforts
Category: News

Lithium niobate on Insulator and Beyond: Overcoming Fabrication Challenges for Integrated and Flat Photonics Nonlinear and electro-optic devices are present in our daily life with many applications: light sources for

MONDAY, 15 JANUARY 2024, COLLOQUIUM TALK by Eleni DiamantiMONDAY, 15 JANUARY 2024, COLLOQUIUM TALK by Eleni Diamanti
COLLOQUIUM TALK by Eleni Diamanti (CNRS, Sorbonne University Paris) Secure communications in quantum networks Quantum technologies have the potential to improve in an unprecedented way the security and efficiency of

MONDAY, 4 DECEMBER 2023, COLLOQUIUM by Ido Kaminer – Punsch&Maroni after the talkMONDAY, 4 DECEMBER 2023, COLLOQUIUM by Ido Kaminer – Punsch&Maroni after the talk
The Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ) invites you to a COLLOQUIUM TALK by Ido Kaminer (Israel Institute of Technology) Free-Electron Quantum Optics Until recently, work in quantum

Monday, 27 November 2023, VCQ COLLOQUIUM TALK by Wolfram PerniceMonday, 27 November 2023, VCQ COLLOQUIUM TALK by Wolfram Pernice
The Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology VCQ invites you to aCOLLOQUIUM TALKbyWolfram Pernice(Heidelberg University | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster) Photonic in-memory computingConventional computers are organized around

Monday, 06 November 2023, VCQ COLLOQUIUM TALK by Philippe GrangierMonday, 06 November 2023, VCQ COLLOQUIUM TALK by Philippe Grangier
Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ) invites you to aCOLLOQUIUM TALKby Philippe Grangier(Institut d’Optique Graduate School, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay) Experimental tests of Bell’s inequalities at Institut d’Optique (1980-82):

Monday, 9 October 2023, Quantum Tech SessionMonday, 9 October 2023, Quantum Tech Session
The Quantum Tech Session will be organized by the Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ) on October 9th (14:00-17:00). The primary purpose of this event is to provide

Monday, 26 June, VCQ Colloquium Talk by Birgitta WhaleyMonday, 26 June, VCQ Colloquium Talk by Birgitta Whaley
We are glad to present Birgitta Whaley University of California, Berkeley Monday, 26 June 2023 at 18:00 Freihaus Hörsaal 3 at TU Wien (Wiedner Hauptstraße 8, 1040 Vienna, 2.

Monday, 19 June, VCQ Colloquium Talk by Cindy RegalMonday, 19 June, VCQ Colloquium Talk by Cindy Regal
We are glad to present Cindy Regal JILA – University of Colorado Boulder Monday, 19 June 2023 at 18:00 Helmut Rauch Lecture Hall, Atominstitut TU Wien (Stadionallee 2, 1020

VCQ Summer School 28.08-01.09.2023VCQ Summer School 28.08-01.09.2023
28 August – 1 SeptemberHörsaal 17, TU Wien More information & registration: Confirmed Lecturers Cold Atoms & Thermalisation Optomechanics Trapped Ions & Quantum Computation